Based in Millcreek, UT
In-studio & mobile services
Starting at $110
10 a.m. - 10 p.m. every day
Deep Tissue, Swedish, Reiki & 4 other techniques
1 testimonial
I am an inspired, extensively trained, creative, and skilled healer. I specialize in professional swedish massage, acupressure, reflexology, reiki, and alternative energy work. I recognize each individual sovereign soul as the true healer of their own life, journey, and body. I am a facilitator of healing, and as such, I begin each session with a specific and potent breathing technique, which brings you into the deepest and most receptive inner state of being, to align with your own profound healing
Based near: 500 E & 4500 S St Millcreek, UT 84107 Mobile services within 10 miles
Eric's Signature Massage
Spa-quality bodywork, tailored to you, blending a range of techniques, from Acupressure to Swedish
Techniques: Acupressure, Alexander Technique, Conscious Breathwork, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Reiki, Swedish
Experience: 30 years
In-studio amenities: Aromatherapy Enhanced, Candles, Free Parking, Massage Table, Music